Board of Directors

Rainbow for the Future’s board of directors provides excellent oversight of our organization and its initiatives. We have a very strong mandate to use the vast majority of our resources for actual programming in the field, and the board of directors helps ensure this happens.

Leo Seguin

Leo Seguin

Chairperson of Rainbow for the Future, Leo has had 22 years of international humanitarian experience. He has been chair of the local Canadian Foodgrains Bank Committee (the Westlock Growing Project) for 12 years. Leo was president of the Westlock Rotary Club in 2005 and under his leadership, several international projects where undertaken, including the construction of a girls’ hostel in the Fantelle Region of Ethiopia. In addition to his local involvement, Leo has in the past served on the District Rotary World Community Service Board. In 2004, he created Rainbow for the Future. Leo has travelled to Ethiopia on many occasions to listen to the people and gain first-hand knowledge of the projects to be sure the funds we raise are well spent.

Lori Kary

In November 2017, Lori joined Rainbow for the Future as the new Foundation Director. Travelling to Ethiopia in January 2018 was a true to life orientation of the job!

Lori loves this new chapter in her life and feels an authentic connection to the projects and people. Lori believes that together we can inspire long lasting change. Building relationships with our donors, partners in Ethiopia and our local community will bring solutions to alleviate poverty. When we all collaborate together, the outcome is effective, long term and sustainable.

“I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples”. Lori loves this quote from Mother Teresa and plans to create many ripples by sharing her diverse talents in working selflessly on the daily operations at Rainbow for the Future.

Daylin Doblanko

Daylin is our newest and youngest member of our board. His trip to Ethiopia in January 2018 was an experience he will never forget. 

Daylin is a bridge to the next generation of community leaders that helps sustain the future of Rainbow.

Les DunfordLes Dunford

Les has been involved with Rainbow for the Future since its creation in 2005. He has also been serving on the Westlock Growing Project board for nearly 20 years.

Les has traveled to Ethiopia seven times to visit projects and has served as the official photographer for Rainbow for the Future, taking as many as 4,000 photos on each trip. His beautiful photos enable us to tell the stories of our work and of the people whose lives are changed. They have also been published and sold to fund Rainbow for the Future’s work.

Through his donated work, Les has had a tremendous impact on helping us tell the countless stories of Ethiopian people, our partners and heroes, and the uplifting success stories of those who have survived and thrived.




Jim SmithJim Smith

Jim officially joined our board in 2015 but he’s been available to help whenever needed, even before Rainbow for the Future was formed. Jim has worked with Leo for many years, helping organize events as far back as the World Record Harvest and as recently as Sports for Ethiopia. He has been an active Rotarian for 24 years and served two terms as club president and assistant district governor. Jim and his family have been involved in many landmark events in the community, and service is a value passed on to his two sons.

Dean WiegandDean Wiegand

Dean joined the board in February 2014. He is a Rotarian, a farmer, and the owner of an oilfield service business. Dean lives in Westlock with his wife and children, and the whole family is very active in the community. He is very interested in travelling to Ethiopia to witness the work on projects.

Lisa BoulericeLisa Boulerice

Lisa joined our board in 2012. She is a mom, a businesswoman, and a Rotarian. Lisa has been a moving force in establishing an Interact Club for youth 12 to 18 years of age who want to connect with others in their community or school. She is an ardent supporter of international development in the Rotary club and through Rainbow for the Future.

Jason SeguinJason Seguin

Jason joined our board in April 2014. He lives with his wife and children in Morinville and owns a waste disposal franchise. Jason is very eager to be a part of the development work done in Ethiopia.

Heidi SeguinHeidi Seguin

Heidi is welcomed as our most recent board member. She first travelled to visit the projects in Ethiopia in February 2015, and tells of being very moved by what she witnessed. Both the needs of Ethiopians and the solutions provided have made a permanent impression on Heidi, and made her a dedicated member of the board and a supporter of our programs and fundraising.

Don ScottDon Scott

Don Scott grew up in Westlock. After completing high school, he attended the Southern Alberta Institute of Technology in Calgary and completed a two-year film course. Dan worked as a cinematographer and editor in Regina, Calgary, Winnipeg, and Edmonton for over 30 years and returned to Westlock after retiring. He is a Rotarian, is involved in the Westlock Food Bank, and has now joined the board of Rainbow for the Future. Being involved with Rainbow for the Future fits very well with Don’s worldview that it is important for people with the ability to help to do so.

Sarah ReddingSarah Redding

Sarah was a major fundraiser for our 2016 Sports for Ethiopia event. Excited to learn about our organization and the projects we are involved in, she became our newest board member in June 2016.

Sam VanderendeSam VanderEnde

Rainbow for the Future has been associated with Sam since its inception, and prior to that through the Westlock Growing Project. Sam is the Africa Representative for the Canadian Foodgrains Bank and he and his family have lived in Ethiopia for 17 years. He is always available to represent Rainbow for the Future when required and is a trusted source of first-hand information and advice.

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